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Arts for Climate Equity: Bridging Gaps Between Science and Society


The USDA Northeast Climate Hub is excited to introduce four distinguished artists for the 2024 'Arts for Climate Equity' project.

Artists Xavier Cortada and Carolyn Lambert will conduct their residencies at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH. Laura Nova and Roxane Revon will work from the New York City Urban Field Station, NY. These artists are part of the new cohort of 12 artists participating in the 8th year of the Urban Field Station Collaborative Arts Program (UFS Arts). The artist residency program is a collaboration with the USDA Forest Service and The Nature of Cities.

'Arts for Climate Equity' seeks to use the power of art to communicate the complex issue of climate equity to a broader audience. Climate equity implies that climate change affects communities differently. It emphasizes the need for fair sharing of burdens and benefits of climate change and its mitigation. Through artistic creativity, the program encourages public involvement in this issue. It also emphasizes the vital role of creativity in advancing climate discussions and actions. 

The Northeast Climate Hub will share progress from these residencies over the coming year!