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NCEI Monitoring Overview WEBINAR

Without a doubt the last few months across the U.S. and more locally the Midwest have been exceptional in terms of precipitation. Because of current wetness concerns and the broader interest in understanding how wet it really is, we would like to offer you the ability to assess this yourself. For instance, have you ever wondered how unusual the rain or temperatures have been in your county, state, region or U.S. generally? Have you ever wondered if there is a trend? or how this year or month stacks up against all past years of record? Maybe you have seen NOAA climate/weather monitoring maps and graphs and wondered where they come from and how to make them yourselves?

On June 11th at 11am CDT NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) will provide an overview of online tools that will allow you to look more closely at both precipitation and temperature at various scales from city to county to state to region to the entire U.S. This information can be quite useful to planners, private sector interests (agriculture, energy, etc...), various recovery efforts and many other uses. We will be focusing on the north central U.S. region.

In addition to the these public tools and information, we will provide a few other places to get information on drought and other variables of interest.

To sign up for this webinar please visit:

We will take questions at the end of the presentations and offer contacts for more information. This webinar will be recorded.

Event Date Start-End

June 11, 2019 / 12:00 PM - June 11, 2019 / 01:00 PM