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Great Plains Grassland Summit

The objectives of the 2018 Great Plains Grassland Summit are to convene an opportunity for managers, scientists and stakeholders to learn about and contribute to ideas, knowledge, and plans for managing, conserving and restoring grasslands through collaborations across boundaries in the Great Plains. Invited plenary experts will first discuss challenges and opportunities focused on six themes:

  • Working Lands,
  • Native Species and Biodiversity,
  • Invasive species,
  • Wildland and Prescribed Fire,
  • Energy development,
  • Climate, Weather and Water

Breakout sessions on these six themes will allow workshop participants to contribute ideas, issues, needs and steps for an action plan to identify science, conservation and management needs for Great Plains grasslands. A report will be produced from feedback received from breakout sessions, and a synthesis papers will be published. Poster contributions are solicited on the registration site. Managers, researchers, and practitioners from all regions of the Great Plains and beyond are encouraged to attend.